Johannes Lutz

Current promotion (external)

Migration Strategies for Engineering Processes of Automation Systems

PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Arndt Lüder

The planning, implementation and operation of the rail infrastructure follows high standards in terms of quality and safety of the systems used. This requires error-free design processes. Due to historically grown country-specific developments, however, a heterogeneous and highly specialized environment of design tools has emerged, especially for signaling systems in the rail infrastructure. This results in numerous media breaks with specific interfaces that lead to special challenges in the design of signaling systems and prevent a consistent data storage. The introduction of new methods such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) is intended to ensure data consistency. At the same time, both industry and the government expect an increase in efficiency and transparency in engineering processes for infrastructure projects.

In this context, Mr. Lutz analyzes the current engineering processes with their adjacent interfaces and constraints. Based on this, he develops migration strategies towards a consistent and efficient design process. The focus is on the BIM methodology under current and future requirements. Based on highly accurate track side measurement data through LIDAR technology and photogrammetry, new ways of signaling planning are being researched with respect of data consistency.


Siemens Mobility GmbH


  • J. Lutz et al.: Vom modelgetrieben Engineering zum Asset-Information-Model, VDI Verlag GmbH, Baden-Baden, Automation 2020, ISBN: 978.3.18-092375-8
  • Lüder et al.: Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical-Systems-Engineering, Springer Cham, Switzerland 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-25312-7
  • J. Lutz et al.: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) im Engineering – Ein neuartiges Konzept zur Automatisierung von Toolprozessketten durch Ingenieure., VDI Verlag GmbH, Baden-Baden, Automation 2018, ISBN: 978-3-18-092330-7

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