Scientific news ticker february 2015

Distributed manufacturing

verteiltes produzierenFebruary 2015  Distributed manufacturing is about value creation engaging geographic elite dispersed manufacturing units. It includes both, the distribution of manufacturing units as well as networking manufacturing units that are already distributed.

Progressing incorporation of ICT in manufacturing processes enables to embed process networks into geographically disperse manufacturing units. The factory centered view of manufacturing is thereby replaced by the network oriented manufacturing view. Novel ICT devices as smart object, Internet of things, cyber physical systems, VLAN as a less big data and cloud computing are the key drivers. Machines become more intelligent, to an extent where they can take all even decisions. Moreover any object is instantly identify it viable and below: I is a place any time. Consequently the Real-Time Enterprise is replacing the prearranged and sophistically planned manufacturing setup. For manufacturing networks there will be a number of novel rules about how they will work. Not the planned processes will be executed via order and control, it still rather be continuous and steadily optimizing iterative configurations leading to efficient processes. Consequently, the actual behavior of machines and equipment, the available methods, the iterative control procedures as well as parallel processes move into the focus. Equipment, machines and orders will exhibit completely new features and properties. They will be out enormous, context of era, scalable and networkable on all levels. This is possible via miniaturization of high-tech elements embedded into actors and sensors enabling to take over practically any task due to modularization. Intelligent equipment does not necessarily mean investment. Existing equipment can be easily made smart by respective add-ons. Some machine makers have already edited these devices calling it virtual machines. For evaluating progress is and measuring maturity to manufacturing distributed ways, as well as logics for automatic decision making and been provided by the chair stop the latest publications include instruments and tools as the distributed manufacturing maturity model, D3M, that can be applied.

Contact: o. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Kühnle

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